Director: Autumn Bordner
Country: Marshall Islands
Category: Documentary
Runtime: 00:16:01
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Marshalling Peace: The Marshall Islands was the testing grounds for the United States’ nuclear weapons program from 1946-1958. Over this time period, 67 nuclear weapons were detonated in the Marshall Islands, including populated atolls, without the knowledge or consent of the inhabitants. This experience left Marshallese society irreparably broken and the Marshallese people riddled with sickness. Now, decades later, in order to make sure no other peoples experience the same horror of nuclear weapons, the Marshall Islands has filed lawsuits against the United States and other nuclear weapons holding super powers for failure to comply with their obligations to pursue disarmament under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. This documentary follows representatives of the tiny nation of the Marshall Islands in their legal battle against these world super powers, as they fight for a world safe from the horrors of nuclear weapons. At the same time, the documentary explores the devastating effects of the U.S. nuclear testing program on the Marshallese people.
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