Can you read the moon?
Video Transcript
The moon has 8 phases which begin with the first phase called, New moon, where it is completely covered in shadow. The next seven phases occur with light, moving from the right side of the moon, to the left.
The moon has 8 phases which begin with the first phase called, New moon, where it is completely covered in shadow. The next seven phases occur with light, moving from the right side of the moon, to the left.
Each of these movements are named, with the fullmoon being the most recognized phase of all.
As the light moves from right to the left, you can see each of the 8 cycles from a new moon, to crescentmoon, quartermoon and full.
The phases before a full moon are called, Waxing , as the sun illuminates more of the lunar surface.
The phases after a full moon are called, Waning , because Earth’s shadow begins to cover more of the moon.
In all, it takes the moon 29.5 days to complete an eight phase cycle. This is called a Synodic , or Lunar month.
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Orbit Video by Christian Bodhi-Pixabay
Lunar Footage: NASA
Artwork, Script and Animations: Jef Gray
Production: International Peace and Film Festival