Director: Moritz Jakobi
Country: Germany
Category: Documentary
Runtime: 00:32:30
Useless Eaters – Lüneburg 45: May 1945- World War II is over. Yet even months later, children are dying at the Special Children’s Ward Lüneburg. The liberators know nothing about the fate of these victims of the Nazi regime. Today, Ilse Sievers keeps the memory of Heinrich Herold alive. For her late husband, what happened to his best friend has always been a mystery. Friedrich Buhlrich’s siblings Hans, Erika and Margret all die in Special Chrildren’s Wards. Hans-Peter Meier spends his childhood on hospital grounds, where his grandfather works as a nurse. Historian Dr. Carola Rudnick is searching for answers about the victims. In the documentary Useless Eaters, contemporary witnesses and descendants talk about the losses haunting them to this day.
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