Dive into the Mysteries of the Moon!
Surprising facts about our moon, also called Luna.
We only see about 59% of the moon’s surface from Earth, due to the tidal lock orbit. This is also why we always see the same side of the moon.
Seismic activities, called Moonquakes, occur on the moon due to the gravitational pull between Earth and the Sun.
According to Apollo astronauts the moon smells like gunpowder, or burnt charcoal.
The moon orbits Earth in an elliptical cycle every 27.3 days, during that time the elliptical path affects the appearance, and distance of the moon, to Earth. This is why it appears larger or smaller on different nights.
The marked locations shown during the night views of this video are the locations of the Apollo lunar landings.
The temperature on the moon has extreme ranges from 127°C in the day, to -173°C at night.
Gravity on the moon is about one-sixth, of Earth’s gravity, and there is a very thin exosphere, made up of helium, neon, and other trace gases.
The moon is about one-fourth the size of Earth, orbiting from approximately 253,000 miles away.
Ancient sailors relied on the cycles of the moon to navigate, and measure time spent at sea.
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Music: Inspirational Documentary Cinematic Piano, by Yevhen Onoychenko -Pixabay