Originally Eiffel’s Tower was meant to stand for twenty years
Was the Eiffel tower meant to last?
Eiffel hesitated to build the tower but eventually supported costs to complete it.
The original plan was for it to be the centerpiece of the 1889 World’s Fair, and then come down around twenty years later. Learn the full story of Eiffel’s struggle as the local citizens hated his tower at first, and how it has endured all this time.
There wasn’t room in the story to tell all details, but it is interesting to note that Eiffel’s engineers designed the tower and convinced him to compete for the project. When funding issues came up Eiffel paid the difference to ensure completion in exchange for a portion of the ticket sales over a period of years. Once onboard, he really out everything into the project. And then the Panama Canal project and Statue of Liberty — all Eiffel’s hand involved, so impressive!