In August 2022, NASA took images of the sun every 12 seconds for 133 days, using a special camera.
The images were taken from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. The video you are watching is a timelapse of each image put together over that time.
About the Video
Multiple images were taken at different wavelengths. The video showcases the 17.1 nanometer wavelength.
Did you know the sun rotates once every 27 days?
The loops extending above the bright regions are magnetic fields that have trapped hot, glowing plasma. The bright regions are also the source of solar flares.
Solar flares appear in bright flashes as magnetic fields snap together in a process called magnetic reconnection.
The video only reveals the Corona – the sun’s outermost atmosphereic layer. The solar interior is where the nuclear fusion of Hyrdrogen and Helium occur.
The sun is 109 times the size of Earth, and is 93,000,000 miles away.
Video footage courtesy: NASA
Editing and Production: International Peace and Film Festival @intpeacefest