Description: A story about the life of children in the rural medium of the Republic of Moldova.
Director: Diana Vlas
Country: Moldova
Category: Short Documentary
Runtime: 00:21:36
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About the Film
The movie is a story about the life of children from the rural medium of Republic of Moldova. There, surrounded by nature they live obeying the laws of the village. It was produced by the national center of cinematography of Republic of Moldova. I am a self-taught freelance filmmaker, making movies was and still is my passion. The director of the film is Diana Vlas, she has studied at the Kiev National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University and currently is making her masters degree in Documentary at the Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts from Republic of Moldova. The actors in the film are the Mereuta family and the children of the village.

After The Festival