Director: Azra Rashid
Country: Canada
Category: Documentary
Runtime: 00:56:00
A Woman’s Story:In 1948, the United Nations defined genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy and cause bodily and mental harm to members of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. This was triggered by the Holocaust and as an attempt to stop a genocide before it happened anywhere again. But what transpired during the Holocaust was repeated again – in Bangladesh in 1971, in Rwanda in 1994 and more recently, in Sudan and Syria. The world failed to keep its promise of never again and did not provide resources or infrastructure to help those who survived.
“A Woman’s Story” not only looks at genocide from a temporal lens – 60, 40 and 20 years apart, but also through the eyes of a woman because in any armed conflict women and children are the most vulnerable to violence, and being the primary caregiver the trauma haunts the female survivors in a unique way.
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