The length of a day on earth is 24 hours, but what about other planets in our solar system?
Video Transcript and Details about Day Length on Each Planet
Let’s look at the length of time a single day takes on each planet, starting with the one closest to the sun and then moving outward.
Day Length: Approximately 58.6 Earth days
Day Length: Approximately 243 Earth days (It’s worth noting that Venus’s rotation is retrograde, meaning it spins in the opposite direction of its orbit around the Sun. Additionally, its day is longer than its year of about 224.7 Earth days.)
Day Length: Approximately 24 hours
Day Length: Approximately 24.6 hours (often referred to as a “sol”)
Day Length: Approximately 9.9 hours
Day Length: Approximately 10.7 hours
Day Length: Approximately 17.2 hours (Uranus also has a unique axial tilt of about 98 degrees, which means it essentially rolls around its orbit.)
Day Length: Approximately 16.1 hours
Remember, these values are approximations, as the exact day lengths can vary due to factors like axial precession and the method used to measure rotation (e.g., magnetic field vs. solid surface).
Video Footage Attribution: John Fothergill from Pixabay
Script and Production: Jef Gray, International Peace and Film Festival