Surprising facts about Michelangelo – the back story about his art and sculpture.
Video Transcript
Hi, I’m Michelangelo and here are 5 facts about me, the last two are unexpected. First, I began working as an artist at the young age of 13. Within a year, I was taken in by the powerful Medici family, to work in their sculpture garden at Villa Costello.
Second, By the time I was 23, I had created La PietĂ , my masterpiece in Carrara marble. It was the only time I carved my name on my work.
Third, When I was 26 years old, I sculpted a 17 foot statue of David. I chose a single block of marble, that had been used, and ruined by previous artists who abandoned it to the elements for 25 years. But I saw David in the stone and brought it to life.
Now, for the surprise facts: I was practically forced by Pope Julius to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. I was a sculptor and had no interest in fresco painting. It was a miserable, painful task, but I finished the work in 1512, And I didn’t touch a paintbrush again for over 24 years!
And then in 1536, Pope Julius compelled me to return to the Sistine chapel, once again with my paintbrush, to paint the Last Judgement on the altar wall.
Now you know the story behind some of my greatest works.
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